I Quit
After a few days of fixing SyntaxHighlighter on my blog, I finally decide to quit fixing it, rather I think I quit using blogger. Its hard to customize the style on my blog and its hard to add widget into my blog. I was forced to revert to 'classic template' which remove all my widgets. (Damn!)
Hmm... Maybe I should look into wordpress. Ok, watch out my next post for my new blog site.
¶ 3:46 PM
You have not even really started blogging using Blogger and you say you want to quit?
I've look into the stylesheet thingy, I've customized widgets, I've added some widget. All this takes quit abit of effort. I 'quit' right after changing my theme which reset all my customization. This is stupid. This sort of things does not happen on wordpress.
Why kopi house? The word kopi means coffee in our dialect and since Java symbolic icon is a cup of coffee, so this is why I named my blog as kopi house (Java with local favour) ; )